New fairground food signs in the pipeline.

New sign painting on paper, 16x26" each. (These are not photographed correctly but I wanted to share them anyway) I decided to make a series of food signs.... because, well, maybe that's just how I feel lately. Comfort food for some, junk food for others. Definitely nostalgic, blatant.

More to come! Pop-corn might be next, or cotton candy(?)


New sign painting at the studio

New hand painted sign at the studio on a scrap piece of luan. This one inspired by a zine I picked up by Colt Bowden at a fun joint in Brooklyn, NY called Park Deli. A skate shop… sort of. But more like a flower shop… sort of.

Anyway, I was floating around the idea of painting some ‘ice’ signs for awhile but for whatever reason I never got around to it. But when I bought the zine it brought the whole ice thing back to my attention again. I guess moving to Minneapolis helped too. Whenever you mention Minneapolis to anyone the subject of the weather always comes up. Every time. It is a strange phenomenon. I don’t think I talked about Florida weather that much, or even Arizona weather for that matter. Yeah, it’s cool here but…

I had heard how Minnesota people are nice but will act a bit icy to strangers. I personally haven’t experienced that yet but maybe someday, just feels like America to me.

9.5 x 11” enamel and acrylic paint

To view more sign work please check out my Flickr page

If interested in sign painting for your home or business check out my site:

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