New work - Fairground food signs on paper

New hand painted sign on paper.

“Ice Cold Drinks” enamel and latex paint, 18.75 x 26.25” 2021

This piece is sporting the Icy caps to help accentuate the cold. I’m probably going to do those again when I get to snow cones. This one is obviously text only but I might do another one down the road with a cup + straw in it. Soda, orange, and grape drink are the first to come to mind.

If your interested in sign painting for your business or home then check out the link above!

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New sign painting at the studio

New hand painted sign at the studio on a scrap piece of luan. This one inspired by a zine I picked up by Colt Bowden at a fun joint in Brooklyn, NY called Park Deli. A skate shop… sort of. But more like a flower shop… sort of.

Anyway, I was floating around the idea of painting some ‘ice’ signs for awhile but for whatever reason I never got around to it. But when I bought the zine it brought the whole ice thing back to my attention again. I guess moving to Minneapolis helped too. Whenever you mention Minneapolis to anyone the subject of the weather always comes up. Every time. It is a strange phenomenon. I don’t think I talked about Florida weather that much, or even Arizona weather for that matter. Yeah, it’s cool here but…

I had heard how Minnesota people are nice but will act a bit icy to strangers. I personally haven’t experienced that yet but maybe someday, just feels like America to me.

9.5 x 11” enamel and acrylic paint

To view more sign work please check out my Flickr page

If interested in sign painting for your home or business check out my site:

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