New sign painting commission for NE Minneapolis woodshop

I recently completed a commission work for a local workshop in town. A humorous take on the shops work ethos. No, it’s not a real word but.. you get it right?

‘Perfekteschagen - Anything else… is uncivilized”, enamel paint on wood, 18 x 24.5”. To get the right feel for the work I went with a font that reminds me of a German beer, something like a Yuengling (which apparently is not a German beer but that is what popped in my mind initially) I made one goof though and forgot to seal the wood before I painted it so the lettering took a lot longer than it needed to. But perhaps by writing it down here it will help me to remember next time.

With the holidays quickly approaching I have to put it out there that a hand painted sign is the PERFECT gift for your business or home. Give the gift that keeps on giving, support local art! Click the link for more info…


New hand painted sign at the studio

Wow… anything happen in the news lately?

New sign painting on a scrap piece of Ikea furniture. 23.5 x 25” (I think it was a cabinet door; I found the panel on the street).
I finished this up last week but I didn’t expect it to be so relevant to the times. Well…. that’s not completely true. I guess I was thinking about covid 2020 when I was painting it but then the topic in America abruptly changed this January.

The sign was inspired by a trailer for a classic sci-fi movie but I didn’t write down the title so I don’t know the source. Anybody out there know??

It is like nothing that has ever happened to you before…

Like Nothing.jpg

New sign painting at the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of wood. 12 x 16”
Inspired by “The Strange World of Your Dreams” by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:

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