New hand painted signs/magnets for sale at Minneapolis consignment shop

Just in time for the holidays!

New sign painting magnets for sale at i like you in NE Minneapolis, MN - 3x6” each, enamel paint on wood.
Support local artists, support small business!! A little signage goes a long way…

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Sign painting for Target holiday carts

I had the pleasure of painting some signs at the Target Workshop (Mpls) this past week. “Happy Holidays” and snow graphics were hand painted onto the side of two push carts. I believe they were going to be used at some sporting events… but I really didn’t get wind of the details. Just paint it and go!

In any case.. I hope the work helped add to the holiday cheer!

New sign painting commission for NE Minneapolis woodshop

I recently completed a commission work for a local workshop in town. A humorous take on the shops work ethos. No, it’s not a real word but.. you get it right?

‘Perfekteschagen - Anything else… is uncivilized”, enamel paint on wood, 18 x 24.5”. To get the right feel for the work I went with a font that reminds me of a German beer, something like a Yuengling (which apparently is not a German beer but that is what popped in my mind initially) I made one goof though and forgot to seal the wood before I painted it so the lettering took a lot longer than it needed to. But perhaps by writing it down here it will help me to remember next time.

With the holidays quickly approaching I have to put it out there that a hand painted sign is the PERFECT gift for your business or home. Give the gift that keeps on giving, support local art! Click the link for more info…
