New mural completed at the Lake Street Target, Minneapolis

New mural is finished at the Lake Street Target location (2500 East Lake St) in Minneapolis, MN - Artwork by Raul Villanueva. I am happy to be a part of the team that brought this piece of artwork to fruition. It took about three weeks to complete - exterior latex paint on stucco. Thanks to everyone involved!!

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New mural painting at Hydra Studios in NYC (Opening Soon!)

New mural paintings up at Hydra Studios in connection with PB Paints and KCC Design and Build. Located at 120 Wall Street in NYC, “Hydra Studios is a modern approach to wellness, helping you restore what daily life takes out. Optimize your body, health, and mind by reserving private rooms for mental and physical wellness.”

The design for each mural was provided by the client. You can’t see it in these photos but each color has a stippled surface to give it a more vibrant effect.
