New fairground food sign - Ice Cream!

Fairground food signs continue… this time,
Ice Cream! 18.75 x 26.25”, enamel/acrylic paint on paper.
I just can’t get enough of those snow-capped letters so I used them again with this piece. Maybe it’s because I live in Mpls? Not sure…

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New work - Fairground food signs on paper

New hand painted signs on printing paper.
”Hot Dogs - Plump and Juicy” enamel, acrylic, and latex paint. 18.75 x 26.25”

Things are on a roll here! Since moving to Minneapolis, MN I have been focused on painting signs relating to fairground food, or maybe its carnival food. Are they the same thing(?)
Right now I have twelve food items I would like to address, snow cones, pretzels, corn dogs, etc.

Why the interest in this imagery? Usually when I get an idea I just go with it so that I don’t overthink things. But perhaps I’m feeling nostalgic after being in pandemic lockdown for so long… or maybe I want to indulge in junk food… I’m not sure. Or food relating to entertainment? I told myself that I didn’t want to make art anymore so perhaps these paintings are the antithesis of that statement.

If your interested in sign painting for your business or home then check out the link above!
