New hand painted sign at the studio

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. Inspired by the pre-code horror comic book “The Hand of Fate.” Not sure why this particular comic title got my attention but it did. Maybe it was the bright colors? Regardless, the text seems somehow appropriate for this particular time in my/our life.

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:


New hand painted sign at the studio

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. Inspired by “Space Adventures” comic book logo.

Space Adventures (sometimes cover-titled Science Fiction Space AdventuresSpace Adventures Presents Rocky Jones and other variations for particular issues) was an American science-fiction anthology comic book series published sporadically by Charlton Comics from 1952 to 1979.“

This work is actually a remake of a sign I posted on March 15th (the original was purchased on my Saatchi Art homepage) So I decided to make a new one.

Space-II done.jpg
Space Adventures comic.JPG

Snow man sketchbook has finally been digitized!

I’m happy to announce that I finally sat down and digitized my entire snowman sketchbook. For awhile I only had about 70% of it scanned. It was something I needed to do… obviously, but I always managed to kick the can down the road. There was no immediate deadline or demand so….

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