New sign painting up for Naab Machinery Sales in Blaine, MN

The business owner at Naab Sales Corp. was interested in having the company's information hand-painted on the back of their garage doors so that when they photographed their machines for online sales, their info could be seen in the background. A great/practical way to reach their customers! A hand-painted sign can offer your business a level of sophistication and charm that cannot be captured in vinyl alone, reflecting to your clients that you care about details and will take a hands-on approach to the service they receive.

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Completed sign painting for Naab Machinery Sales in Blaine, MN

Here are individual pictures of the four garage doors I painted for Naab Machinery Sales in Blaine, MN. Each door took about two days to complete. I painted the yellow letters first, then the red cast shadow. On the last day, I also painted varnish over the text to help protect it in the long term (MN weather can be very extreme - both hot AND cold). 1-Shot Paint was used for the painting. 24” x 168” each…

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New sign painting up for Naab Machinery Sales, Blaine, MN

New sign painting up for the good folks at Naab Machinery Sales. As you can see in the images below the texture of the doors makes the line work challenging. You have to really charge the brush to get the right coverage… but not too much! 😂 It’s a bit of a juggling act.

I’ve got three more garage doors in the works so more to come!

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