Caught! - Thanks Hidden Treasures Thrift Store for the Review

For the last two years I have been periodically purchasing landscape paintings at my local thrift store, painting a rubber duck on them, and then returning the painting back to the same thrift store with the hope that someone will purchase it. I kept a low profile about it as I wasn’t sure where this venture would lead me. My hope was that someday I could make an easter egg-like hunt out of the whole thing and maybe inspire people to play along. Who knows… maybe make some actual money too!

Time passed…

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Thrift store painting collaboration continues! - Norman Rockwell

I purchased a painting by the artist Norman Rockwell (print on canvas) from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, St Anthony, MN) on 10/30/2022. The painting depicts a boy fishing/sleeping next to his dog, 10x8”. Priced: $3.99. I painted a rubber duck wearing bunny ears and holding an egg on the piece and then returned this “new” artwork to the same thrift store on 11/27/2022, around 11:56am.

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